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Bourbon & Rose! 

A blog of DIY projects, event styling ideas & bits of my life here in Santa Monica, California. Cheers!

Airplane P's & Q's

Airplane P's & Q's

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has turned on the Fasten Seat Belt sign..."

I recently took a trip to the east coast and while on my flight I witnessed quite a few eyebrow raising, 'is this really happening?', hand on forehead emoji moments that led me to think of basic mid-air manners for life at 30,000 feet that we should all be aware of.

By no means am I a plane aficionado, but I feel like there are some unwritten rules of flying that we should all acknowledge:

  1. If ya can't lift it... don't carry it on. I personally prefer taking a carry-on BUT even I have my limits and you should too. If your bag is more than you can bench press then check yo bag.  Our fellow flyers that are cozying up in an aisle seat shouldn't have to fear for their lives when you're trying to shove your anvil weighing suitcase in the overhead bin.  Also, if you do carry-on, hold your bag low so you don't knock your neighbors as you make your way to your seat.
  2. To recline or not to recline. If your sitting in economy, don't be THAT person.  Space is already tight and uncomfortable. If you MUST recline - turn around, ask the person behind you if this is OK, and give them time to arrange their laptop, knees, and mind for what you are about to put them through for the next hour+.
  3. Middle seat gets the arm rest. No ifs, ands, or buts. This poor person pulled the short straw and doesn't have the luxury of a window view or aisle, the least you can do is give them some elbow room.
  4. No Grabbing. If you have to get up during the flight, please oh please try your best to not grab the headrest in front of you for an extra boost or as you make your way to and from your seat down the aisle. It's kind of annoying and can be frightening to the person that is asleep in front of you.
  5. What is that smell? Fast food, garlic, beef jerky... for the sake of all of us please refrain from bringing stinky food on the plane.
  6. I spy with my little eye... The couple that's in love. Hand holding is cute, a little smooch is cute BUT a full on make out session several times throughout the flight is gross. Save it for your destination guys!
  7. Bad & Boozy. I'm all for a good drink (after all we are Bourbon & Rose) and what's cooler is if you're on a plane you can drink at any hour of the day or night and it is socially acceptable, but there are limits to everything.  Just remember to pace yourself and slow your roll, it is a scientific fact that the higher altitude gets you tipsy quicker so regardless if you're a light weight or experienced vet, don't make pour decisions *ba dump bump*.
  8. Following the leader. Last but not least, when exiting the plane do so in a polite and orderly fashion.  Don't charge your way up to get the carryon that you placed in a completely different area than you sat. *Sole exception: Asking politely if you can go ahead because you have a connecting flight, otherwise wait your turn and file out following the person ahead of you.

What are some frequent flyer P's & Q's that we missed or just any helpful travel tips?



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